"Gut Feel Doesn't Cut It Anymore"
We work with senior grocers with 20-, 30-, or even 40 years of experience and hear this all the time. These are men and women who "know their stuff" but consistently say that over the last decade, with shrinking margins and increased technological complexity, it's become harder and harder to make money as a grocer.
If you find yourself in a similar position, then Puzl's AI and our various tools are for you. Not only do we provide supermarket leadership with accurate insight into their fully-blended gross margins 6-12 weeks in advance, but we give them a toolkit to understand how to manipulate their base-, ad-, and TPR-pricing to be as aggressive as possible while still achieving their target margins.
Puzl's AI-Based Toolkit

Base Price Manager
Our AI-based tool helps high/low grocers and C-store managers understand and optimize their price changes and pricing strategies across their departments, categories, and individual SKUs. Today, far too many grocers leave these decisions up to vendors and, as a result, are neither profit-optimized nor truly competitive with their big-box competitors. Puzl changes all this.

Ad Manager
Ad Manager uses AI to help independent supermarket leadership answer questions like:
Will I achieve my margins targets with ad or not?
With these items in this ad, what will my dollar gross be two weeks from now?
Are these the right mix of items or are there other items that will drive more volume and more dollar profit?
Is my front page as aggressive as it could be, or can I be even more aggressive?
Can I afford to run loss leaders and still make money?

TPR Manager (Coming Soon)
Releasing in Q1, Puzl’s TPR Manager will finally give high/low merchandising teams, pricing teams, and store leadership the ability to accurately understand their pass-through strategies by department, category, and SKU weeks ahead of time. This will, in turn, enable users to understand how to optimize their pricing to maximize profits.
Puzl is an open platform.
We play well with everyone.